So, you say you don’t believe in evolution. OK, here’s the deal: you’re a fucking moron. Evolution is about the best proven theory in the history of science. Eh, who needs FACTS though when you’ve got a perfectly good book in which snakes talk, people can fit two of every species on Earth onto an ark and sail around aimlessly and a broke-ass carpenter is the Son O’ God.
You don’t believe in evolution? No problem. In that case, you won’t be needing that new flu vaccine this year, freeing up the supply for the rest of us who use that grey matter between our ears. I’ll explain that for you, Superstitious Dipshit. See, they wouldn’t have to create new vaccines if the flu virus didn’t EVOLVE and become immune to the old ones.
If you don’t believe in evolution, don’t you fucking DARE get the new updated vaccine or you’re the biggest fucking hypocrite walking upright. Just suffer with the non-evolved flu you MUST believe in. Sneeze your ass off and feel like shit for two weeks; taking that new vaccine would be just WRONG, you religiously hypnotized loser.